Resources for Courts
Welcome to South Carolina Court Poster
Designed to be used by Circuit, Family, Magistrate, or Municipal Courts, our bilingual Welcome to South Carolina Court poster outlines what court users can and cannot expect court staff to help them with, and points them in the right direction if they need legal help. It includes a QR code linking to our SCATJ Legal Resource Finder that court users can scan with their smartphones, as well as a short URL that they can save and return to later when they have access to a computer.
Looking for Legal Help Flyers
We designed these flyers so that judges, court staff, and attorneys feel comfortable referring court users to legal help. It includes a QR code and short URL linking to our SCATJ Legal Resource Finder—the Legal Resource Finder suggests legal aid organizations that might be able to help based on the user’s income, location, and specific legal problem. It also suggests self-help resources to guide them should they find they need to handle the matter on their own.
Limited Scope Representation Bench Card
Limited Scope Representation has the potential to increase access to justice by increasing the availability of affordable legal services, allowing clients to receive at least some counsel and assistance at certain moments in their case when they otherwise would have to forego legal representation entirely. The SCATJ Commission developed this Bench Card to clarify the ethical rules surrounding Limited Scope Representation in South Carolina and encourage both attorneys and judges to embrace the practice. It was approved by the South Carolina Supreme Court in February 2024.
Many thanks to Jennifer Woodruff, Guy Vitetta, and the SC Bar Practice & Procedure Committee for their assistance in drafting and collecting feedback for this resource.