Looking for legal help?

If you need legal help, these resources will point you in the right direction. You can scroll through the resources below, or use our interactive Legal Resource Finder, which will help identify legal aid organizations you might be eligible for and self-help resources available to you.

Types of legal issues.



There are dozens of different civil legal problems, including landlord/tenant disputes, foreclosures, employment, health care, public benefits, and more. If you have one of these problems, you can hire a private attorney, be screened for an attorney from South Carolina Legal Services, request a pro bono attorney, or represent yourself. Click below to find out more about your options.



Probate court isn’t just for disposing of an estate after someone has died. The probate court also has jurisdiction over marriage licenses, issues with people who have been deemed incompetent, trusts, powers of attorney, and more. You can hire a private attorney to help you with these issues, or contact South Carolina Legal Services or the pro bono program - among other options.


If you have been charged with a crime, you’ll probably want an attorney to represent you. You can hire a private attorney, or be screened for an attorney from a public defender office. Click below for more information about how to find an attorney, as well as help with expungements, collateral consequences, and re-entry into the community after serving a prison sentence.



Bankruptcy cases are heard in federal - not state - court. There are 90 bankruptcy districts across the country. Bankruptcy is very complicated, and you are much better off having an attorney than trying to file on your own. Fortunately, there are many options for finding an attorney to help and lots of information available to help you understand the process.



Family court cases are civil cases, but the procedures are quite different. Family court issues can include divorce, child custody and visitation, adoptions, juvenile justice, and more. If you have a problem like this, you can hire a private attorney, contact South Carolina Legal Services, request a pro bono attorney, or represent yourself. There are also lots of other organizations that may be able to help.


Disaster relief.

Here in South Carolina, we know all too well what to expect when hurricane season comes around every year. If you have been affected by a natural disaster, whether it be damage to your home, changes to your employment, or disruptions in your access to the healthcare you need, there are lots of resources to help. Click below to learn more about what’s available.