
Did you know that, even though there are over 10,000 resident active attorneys in South Carolina, at least one side goes to court without an attorney in 73% of adverse civil matters in Circuit Court? People have trouble accessing attorneys for a whole host of reasons, including cost, lack of attorneys in rural areas, and the fact that South Carolina Legal Services—the frontline provider of civil legal aid in our state—has the resources to employ just one attorney for every 18,197 eligible people—not nearly enough to meet the need.

If you’re an attorney practicing in South Carolina, there is someone who needs your help. It’s easier than ever to choose a case that fits your availability, and a host of resources to help you along the way. Wherever you live, whatever your practice area—there is something you can do.

  • SC Bar Pro Bono Program.

    The SC Bar Pro Bono program matches volunteer attorneys with low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. With many options for getting involved—from taking on full representation in a case, to spending an afternoon answering questions with other volunteers for SC Free Legal Answers—there’s something for you!

  • PAI Program with SCLS.

    South Carolina Legal Services Private Attorney Involvement Program (PAI) refers clients to pro bono attorneys or contract attorneys who agree to take cases for a reduced fee. There are opportunities for private attorneys, retired attorneys, limited certificate attorneys, inactive attorneys, and even law students!

  • Pro bono and contract attorney program at SCCADVASA.

    The South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA) leverages volunteer attorneys in several ways to support victims, including through direct legal representation, mentoring staff or pro bono attorneys at other agencies, serving as a speaker or board member—and more.

  • Volunteer With Charleston Pro Bono Legal Services.

    Charleston Pro Bono Legal Services provides low-income clients with advice, brief preparation services, and direct representation, and also makes connections with private pro bono attorneys. Email ALietzow@charlestonprobono.org for more information about volunteering.

Why do low-income South Carolinians need your help? There is a Justice Gap in South Carolina.